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The Queen v. C.(H.) 2018 #1

The Queen v. C.(H.) 2018 #1 Client faced very serious charges of possession of cocaine and fentanyl for the purposes of trafficking. The police received a complaint of an assault with a weapon that specifically alleged that at a public parking lot two men had bear...

The Queen v. C. (J.) 2018

The Queen v. C. (J.) 2018 The client was observed accelerating in an aggressive fashion while he left a store parking lot. He was pulled over by police and after a brief investigation, the officer demanded a roadside sample. After blowing a “fail” the...

The Queen v. W. (C.) 2018 (Provincial Court of Alberta)

The Queen v. W. (C.) 2018 (Provincial Court of Alberta) Client was the passenger in a car that was pulled over for speeding. After smelling marihuana the officer called for back up. The client and the driver were arrested and two firearms were found, a sawn off...

The Queen v. D. (B.) 2018

The Queen v. D. (B.) 2018 The police were dispatched to a single-vehicle accident on a ski resort mountain road.  The police found the client walking on the road near the crashed truck with a sleeping bag slung over his shoulder.  He admitted to being the driver of...

Superintendent v. S.(D.) 2018

Superintendent v. S.(D.) 2018 Client was given two 90 day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions in a little over a year. She retained Mr. van der Walle to write the argument on both reviews. On both occasions Mr. van der Walle was successful and the driving prohibition was...

The Queen v. O. (T.) 2017 (Provincial Court of Alberta)

The Queen v. O. (T.) 2017 (Provincial Court of Alberta) ← The Queen v. W. (L.) 2017 What to Do When Police Want to Interview You in a Criminal Investigation → The client was pulled over for having no mud flaps close to the town of Lake Louise on the Trans...