by admin | Jul 17, 2018 | Past Wins
The Queen v. C.(H.) 2018 #1 Client faced very serious charges of possession of cocaine and fentanyl for the purposes of trafficking. The police received a complaint of an assault with a weapon that specifically alleged that at a public parking lot two men had bear...
by admin | Jun 26, 2018 | Past Wins
The Queen v. C. (J.) 2018 The client was observed accelerating in an aggressive fashion while he left a store parking lot. He was pulled over by police and after a brief investigation, the officer demanded a roadside sample. After blowing a “fail” the...
by admin | Apr 19, 2018 | Past Wins
The Queen v. W. (C.) 2018 (Provincial Court of Alberta) Client was the passenger in a car that was pulled over for speeding. After smelling marihuana the officer called for back up. The client and the driver were arrested and two firearms were found, a sawn off...
by admin | Feb 16, 2018 | Past Wins
The Queen v. D. (B.) 2018 The police were dispatched to a single-vehicle accident on a ski resort mountain road. The police found the client walking on the road near the crashed truck with a sleeping bag slung over his shoulder. He admitted to being the driver of...
by admin | Feb 13, 2018 | Past Wins
Superintendent v. S.(D.) 2018 Client was given two 90 day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions in a little over a year. She retained Mr. van der Walle to write the argument on both reviews. On both occasions Mr. van der Walle was successful and the driving prohibition was...
by admin | Oct 24, 2017 | Past Wins
The Queen v. O. (T.) 2017 (Provincial Court of Alberta) ← The Queen v. W. (L.) 2017 What to Do When Police Want to Interview You in a Criminal Investigation → The client was pulled over for having no mud flaps close to the town of Lake Louise on the Trans...