I focus in the following areas:
Immediate Roadside Prohibition
If you have received an immediate roadside prohibition (“IRP”) and you live in Kelowna BC or anywhere else in the Okanagan call criminal defense lawyer Julian van der Walle immediately.
Firearms Offences
There are many different firearm offences in the Criminal Code, some being more serious than others however it can generally be said that firearm offences are viewed very seriously by the courts.
Drug Charges
If you live in Kelowna BC, the Okanagan, or anywhere else for that matter and you have been charged with a criminal drug offence call defense lawyer Julian van der Walle immediately.
Appeals are different than trials and need to be handled properly. Whether you want to appeal your conviction, your sentence, or both call Julian van der Walle to set up an appointment immediately.
Assault Charges
If you have received an immediate roadside prohibition (“IRP”) and you live in Kelowna BC or anywhere else in the Okanagan call criminal defense lawyer Julian van der Walle immediately.
Drinking & Driving
Impaired driving, sometimes called driving under the influence” (DUI”), are charges that Kelowna BC defense lawyer Julian van der Walle knows a lot about.
Computer Crime
We will live in a new digital world in which almost everyone is connected to the internet through their smartphone 24 hours a day.
Other Criminal Charges
If you have been charged with any other type of criminal offence, you need legal representation. Julian van der Walle should be the first criminal defence lawyer you contact.